Commercial Manufacturing Lots for Sale

Earthwood Lane, San Luis Obispo

Earthwood Lane, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Priced at $35/SF

Manufacturing lots for sale ranging in size from ~9001 to ~9592 square feet. Located off of Suburban Road on the south side of San Luis Obispo, and adjacent to the new Avila Ranch development.

16 individual lots totaling approximately 145,000 square feet SF with all utilities stubbed to each lot.

Size(s):  ~9001 to ~9592 SF

Zoning:  M-SP (Manufacturing-Specific Plan)


Square Feet: Empty lots
16 Individual Lots: Lots ranging in size from ~9001 to ~9592 SF

Download Prospectus

Hank Niezen

Broker, Principal
Cal DRE# 01831075


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